Am Ch Kistryl Mint Mocha CGCA
Ch Huntlover's Readymade from Denmark x CH Miss Mallorys Other Than Black CDX TDX JH RE SWA SIE SCE WCX RATI RATM
DOB May 16, 2013
Liver Male
Hips Excellent - FR-5616E24M-VPI, Elbows Normal - FR-EL2568M24-VPI, Patellas Normal FR-PA2280, Eyes Clear May 2015 and January 2017, 2018

About Flip
Flip lives with his co-owner, Tom, in Colorado. We admired both of his parents in the US and he has a super pedigree featuring some wonderful Dutch and Scandinavian dogs. Thank-you to Cheryl and Marilyn for trusting us with him and to Tom for giving him such a great home and raising him well.
Liz had the pleasure of showing Flip at the FCRSAmerican Specialty in 2014 (where he won his sweepstakes class) and again at the Denver shows in early 2015. Flip gained his first major at 8 months old.
Flip is a smaller male, exquisitely built, with an outstanding topline and tailset. He possesses excellent breed type and is a stylish and sound mover. Flip has a dark liver coat and plenty of it! He is one of those rare dogs that strikes a natural show pose wherever he is (which we photographers love and it also attests to his sound structure).
On his first visit to us in Canada, we had the opportunity to put his retrieving skills to work. He is a bold dog in water, with very flashy water entries. On land, he's happy to crash through cover to get to the bird or bumper. He loves the retrieving game and has a lovely combination of drive and biddability.
Flip is an easy going and calm dog to have around the house and he gets along well and enjoys playing with other dogs and our cats.